AB 5

  • California Assembly Bill
  • 2009-2010, 5th Special Session
  • Introduced in Assembly Nov 23, 2009
  • Assembly
  • Senate
  • Governor

Education: teacher credentialing.


Existing law requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to adopt standards for the issuance of teaching credentials to persons, as specified. The commission may approve any institution of higher education to recommend the issuance of credentials to persons who have successfully completed a teacher education program of the institution if the program meets the standards approved by the commission. Existing law also requires an institution of higher education whose teacher education program has been accredited by the commission to approve and electronically submit credential applications to the commission, and the commission is required to grant credentials to these applicants based upon that approval. This bill would authorize the commission to approve an institution, including an institution of higher education, school district, county office of education, or community-based or noneducational institution to recommend the issuance of credentials to persons who have successfully completed a teacher education program of the institution if the program meets the standards approved by the commission. The bill would further require an institution, including an institution of higher education, school district, county office of education, or community-based or noneducational institution whose educator preparation program has been accredited by the commission to approve and electronically submit credential applications to the commission, and would require the commission to grant credentials to these applicants based upon that approval. The bill would authorize the commission to assess a fee on an institution seeking approval for an educator preparation program unless the institution is regulated by another state agency.

Bill Sponsors (1)


No votes to display


Jan 12, 2010


Died at Desk.

Dec 02, 2009


Read first time.

Nov 24, 2009


From printer.

Nov 23, 2009


Introduced. To print.

Bill Text

Bill Text Versions Format
11/23/09 - Introduced PDF

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